Welcome to the GE Aerospace Supplier Portal
Every day, we’re working to help move the world forward. For our industry and customers today, and for generations to come. The future of flight starts now.
Please click on the important messages on the right to expand for more information:
Important Announcements:
Internet Supplier Portal (ISP)
Provides suppliers the ability to access information and enter business transactions and enter business transactions in an online and secure environment. This secured collaborative environment provides order inquiry, order acknowledgement, invoicing, and payment information.
Oracle Sourcing eAuction/RFx
Oracle Sourcing is a tool that drives more and better sourcing through online collaboration and negotiation. Oracle Sourcing provides potential suppliers the ability to respond to RFI, RFQ, create and submit bids for online auctions.
GE Supplier Invoice Search
GE Supplier Invoice Search allows suppliers access to their data related to invoices, purchase orders and payments utilizing a 3 point match.
GE Aerospace Supplier helpdesk contact details
supplier invoicing
Please see below for Instructions and guidance on how to correctly invoice GE Aerospace and ensure timely supplier payments.